徐安乐,博士,讲师,湖北咸宁人,2021年毕业于集美大学。主要从事海水经济动物健康养殖和渔业资源与保护生物学等研究工作,具备水产动物营养免疫学、鱼类营养生理与行为学以及营养生理与分子生物学方面的研究基础,现今开展的工作为研究食物丰容强化增殖放流品种亲本和幼体自然能力的作用机制。熟练从行为学、生理学以及组织学水平去探究水产动物对外界刺激的宏观反应,再结合多组学去剖析其发生生理反应的微观调控机制。熟知功能基因筛查及荧光定量验证、分子克隆探究细胞增殖效应、分子对接模拟蛋白功能结构域以及挖掘miRNA等小分子RNA的靶向对应关系等分子生物研究方法。目前已以第一作者身份发表相关领域学术论文11篇,其他身份发表论文17篇,其中被国际TOP期刊收录的SCI 7篇,主持省教育厅项目、福建省重点实验室开放基金课题各1项,参与省科技厅项目1项。
Xu, A.L., Han, F., Zhang, Y., et al., 2024. Transcriptomic profiling reveals the immune response mechanism of theThamnaconus modestusinduced by the poly (I:C) and LPS. GENE 897, 148065.
Xu, A.L., Shang-Guan, J.B., Li, Z.B., et al., 2023. Effects of dietary vitamin E on the growth performance, immunity and digestion ofEpinephelus fuscoguttatus♀×Epinephelus lanceolatus♂by physiology, pathology and RNA-seq. Aquaculture 575, 739752.
Wang, Y.H., Song, N.,Xu, A.L*., et al., 2023. DNA barcoding of fishes from Zhoushan coastal waters using mitochondrial COI and 12S rRNA genes. J Oceanol Limnol 41, 1997-2009.
Xu, A.L., Han, F., Zhang, Y., et al., 2022. Comparative transcriptomic analyses revealed the effects of poly (I:C) on the liver and spleen ofArgyrosomus japonicus. Int J Mol Sci 23, 9801.
Xu, A.L., Shang-Guan, J.B., Li, Z.B., et al., 2021.Effects of dietary alfalfaMedicago falcataL. powder on growth performance, nonspecific immunity and digestive enzyme activity ofLateolabrax japonicus. Fisheries Sci 87, 559-567.
Xu, A.L., Shang-Guan, J.B., Li, Z.B., et al., 2020. Effects of garlic powder on feeding attraction activity, growth and digestive enzyme activities of Japanese seabass,Lateolabrax japonicus. Aquacult Nutr 26(2):390-399.
Xu, A.L., Shang-Guan, J.B., Li, Z.B., et al., 2020. Effects of dietary Chinese herbal medicines mixture on feeding attraction activity, growth performance, nonspecific immunity and digestive enzyme activity of Japanese seabass (Lateolabrax japonicus). Aquacult Rep. 17:100304.
Xu, A.L., Shang-Guan, J.B., Li, Z.B., et al., 2020. Effects of dietary asafoetida (Ferula sinkiangensisK. M. Shen) levels on feeding attraction activity, growth performance, healthiness, and digestive enzyme activity in juvenileLateolabrax japonicus. Fish Physiol Biochem,46:1-13.
Lou, F.R., Zhang, Y.,Xu, A.L., et al., 2023. Transcriptional responses of liver and spleen inLota lotato polyriboinosinic polyribocytidylic acid. Front Immunol 14, 1272393.
Han, F., Zhang, Y.,Xu, A.L., et al., 2023. Genomic structure and molecular characterization of Toll-like receptors in black scraperThamnaconus Modestusand their expression response to two types of pathogens. Mar Biotechnol 25, 800-814.
浙江省教育厅一般项目,基于饵料多样化构建食物丰容对黄姑鱼肠道健康的影响,2023-10至2025-10, 1万元,在研,主持。