  •  本科教育 

海洋渔业科学与技术(国家级特色专业) 培养目标 :本专业培养具备海洋渔业科学与技术方面的基本理论、基本知识和基本技能,服务于海洋渔业生产、管理、教育和科研等部门,适合从事渔业生产与技术、渔业管理与经营、水产教育和科研等方面工作的高级科学技术人才主要课程:水生生物学、鱼类学、海洋学、海洋生态学、流体力学、渔具材料与工艺学、渔具渔法学、航海学、渔业资源与渔场学、海洋法与渔业法规、渔政管理学、渔业资源评估等。择业方向:毕业生可在海洋渔业生产管理、淡水渔业生产管理、渔业涉外技术服务、水产品贸易、渔业行政管理以及教育、科研等广泛领域就业。专业特色:注重数学、力学的基础教育,以渔业工程、远洋渔业、渔业管理为重点,任课教师以双师型为主,着力培养提高学生的创新和实践能力。本专业毕业生还可申请取得一千六百总吨以上远洋渔业船舶二副本专业毕业生符合学位授予条件者,授予农学学士学位。 水产养殖学(校重点专业) 培养目标:本专业培养具备水产动、植物增养殖科学等方面的基本理论、基本知识和基本技能,能在水产养殖生产、教育、科研和管理等企事业单位从事水产经济动植物的增养殖生产、经营、教学、科研和管理等工作的高级科学技术人才。主要课程:普通动物学、养殖生物学、鱼类学、生物化学、普通生态学、微生物学、水产动物育种学、水产动物营养学、水产动物疾病学、水环境化学、水产增养殖学、水产养殖工程学等。择业方向:毕业生适合到水产、水利、渔政、海洋、动植物检疫、生物制品、兽药、饲料、水族观赏、环境保护等有关企、事业单位或行政部门从事生产、经营、管理、科研、教学等工作。专业特色:本专业以水产苗种培育与种质优化、水产动物营养生理与饲料配方、养殖环境维护与健康养殖为重点。强调通过专业课与实践性训练相结合的形式,使学生具有水产经济动、植物增养殖技术、营养与饲料研发和水产病害防治等方面的专业基本技能,可直接参与社


2022年06月08日 16:43 董蓓蓓 点击:[]








2006年3月至2008年2月,韩国国立群山大学海洋学院 硕士

2008年3月至2013年2月,韩国国立群山大学海洋学院 博士








4、国家自然科学基金,SRY基因在龟鳖动物性别决定模式进化中的作用及其分子机制,项目编号:31700322, 2018.01.01 - 2020.12.31, 主要参与人.


6、浙江省教育厅项目,沙塘鳢繁育生物学与催产技术研究,项目编号:Y201636160, 2016.10.01-2018.10.31,项目主持人


8、横向项目,基于生态位互补的虾贝立体生态养殖技术研究与示范,项目编号:2018c3103, 2018.10-2020.12, 项目主持人


1.Xue, B., Lv, H., Liu, Y., &Gao, Y.*(2022). Effects of terrestrial lipid blend on the growth performance, body composition, nonspecific immunity, antioxidant status and stress resistance when the dietary n-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids requirements are met in juvenile Japanese sea bass (Lateolabrax japonicus). Aquaculture Research, 53, 1814– 1822.https://doi.org/10.1111/are.15709

2.Li, H., Zhang, W.,Gao, Y., Tian, X., Chu, Z., Cai, Y., & Wang, L. (2022). The appropriate dose of Bacillus cereus improves the homeostasis of intestinal microbiota but does not significantly influence microbial functions in Paramisgurnus dabryanus. Aquaculture Research, 53, 612– 624.https://doi.org/10.1111/are.15605

3.Lv, H., Peter, M., Hur, Jw.,Gao, Y.*, & Chu, Z. (2021) Effects of ammonia exposure on oxidative stress, immune enzyme activities, and intestinal microbiota of Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. Aquacult Int 29, 2605–2618.https://doi.org/10.1007/s10499-021-00770-x

4.Lv, Huirong,Liu, Yanli,Li, Haidong,Yin, Xiaolong,Wang, Ping,Qu, Xiaoyu,Gao, Yang*,Chu, Zhangjie. (2021). Modulation of Antioxidant Enzymes, Heat Shock Protein, and Intestinal Microbiota of Large Yellow Croaker (Larimichthys crocea) Under Acute Cold Stress. Frontiers in Marine Science. 8. 10.3389/fmars.2021.725899

5.Yang, A., Li, W., Tao, Z., Ye, H., Xu, Z., Li, Y.,Gao, Y.and Yan, X. (2021), Vibrio harveyi isolated from marine aquaculture species in eastern China and virulence to the large yellow croaker (Larimichthys crocea). J Appl Microbiol, 131: 1710-1721.https://doi.org/10.1111/jam.15070.

6.Peter, Mrope & Lv, Huirong & Jiang, Xinqin & Liu, Yanli & Hur, Jun-wook & Esbon, Masanja & Samwel, Changarawe & Superius, Edwin & Khalfan, Zahoro &Gao, Yang*& Chu, Zhangjie. (2020). Effects of starvation on enzyme activities and intestinal microflora composition in loach (Paramisgurnus dabryanus). Aquaculture Reports. 18. 100467. 10.1016/j.aqrep.2020.100467.

7.Hector Victor,Bo Zhao,Yi Mu,Xiaoxin Dai,Zhengshun Wen,Yang Gao*,Zhangjie Chu. Effects of Se-chitosan on the growth performance and intestinal health of the loach Paramisgurnus dabryanus (Sauvage)[J]. Aquaculture, 2019, 498: 263-270.

8.Bo, Zhao &Yang, Gao& Qibin, Yao & Xiaoxin, Dai & Zhangjie, Chu & Zhen, Tao & Yi, Mu. (2019). Pelodiscus sinensis embryos infected with Aeromonas hydrophila show higher survival rates than infected Mauremys reevesiis embryos. Aquaculture. 518. 734660. 10.1016/j.aquaculture.2019.734660.

9.Yang Gao,Jingting Zhu,Huajiang Bao,Hector Victor,Bo Zhao,Zhangjie Chu. Effect of lignite fulvic acid on growth, antioxidant ability, and HSP70 of Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei[J]. Aquaculture International, 2018, 26.

10.Yang Gao,Zhuliu He,Hector Vector,Bo Zhao,Zhiwei Li,Jie He,JeongYeol Lee,Zhangjie Chu. Effect of Stocking Density on Growth, Oxidative Stress and HSP 70 of Pacific White Shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei[J]. Turkish Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences,2017,17(5): 877-884.

11.Yang Gao,Jie He,Zhuliu He,Zhiwei Li,Bo Zhao,Yi Mu,Jeong-Yeol Lee,Zhangjie Chu. Effects of fulvic acid on growth performance and intestinal health of juvenile loach Paramisgurnus dabryanus (Sauvage)[J]. Fish Shellfish Immunol,2017,62: 47-56.

12.He, J.1,Gao, Y1., Xu, W. , F Yu, Su, Z. , & F Xuan. (2017). Effects of different shelters on the molting, growth and culture performance of portunus trituberculatus. Aquaculture, 481, 133-139.

13.Yang Gao,Lei Jin,Hui Shi,Zhangjie Chu. Characterization of a Novel Butachlor Biodegradation Pathway and Cloning of the Debutoxylase (Dbo) Gene Responsible for Debutoxylation of Butachlor in Bacillus sp. Hys-1 [J]. J Agric Food Chem,2015,63(38): 8381-8390.

14.Yang Gao,Ziwei Wang,Jun-wook Hur,Jeong-Yeol Lee. Body composition and compensatory growth in Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus under different feeding intervals[J]. Chinese Journal of Oceanology & Limnology,2015,33(004): 945-956.




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